Heroes of the Storm - Hero Gul'dan cover

Heroes of the Storm - Hero Gul'dan

Gul'dan is a Hero I've quickly fallen in love with and has gone right to the top of my choice of first picks. You can play Heroes of the Storm - Hero Gul'dan on battlenet platform. Download and play Heroes of the Storm - Hero Gul'dan at the best price.

Platform: Battlenet
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Heroes of the Storm - Hero Gul'dan description

Gul'dan is a Hero I've quickly fallen in love with and has gone right to the top of my choice of first picks. Although his kit shares similarities with others in the Nexus (Life Drain is similar to Leoric's Drain Hope, Corruption similar to Dread Orb and Fel Flame similar to Medivh's Arcane Rift) his kit combined is surprisingly powerful. His Trait, Life Tap, provides incredible sustain when combined with Life Drain and allows him to not only survive for long periods of time, but reduces almost all need for him to return back to base. What's also fantastic about Gul'dan is that not only does he have sustain that's invaluable on objective based Battlegrounds, but his Ultimate ability - Horrify - is incredibly strong. The fear is not only disruptive, but ensures enemy Heroes are displaced enough that some are always easy pickings. Finally and due to the nature of team fights in Heroes of the Storm, Corruption is more than capable of applying a high amount of damage over time pressure, especially when paired with Fel Flame. Just be careful against Heroes that can slow, root or stun - Gul'dan has no means of escape. PRIMARY ABILITIES: FEL FLAME Release a wave of flame, dealing 200 damage to enemies. DRAIN LIFE Drain the life from an enemy over 3 seconds, dealing 132 damage per second and healing Gul'dan for 188 Health per second. CORRUPTION Call forth three bursts of shadow energy, dealing 204 damage over 6 seconds. Corruption can stack up to 3 times on an enemy. HEROIC ABILITIES: HORRIFY After 0.5 seconds, deal 120 damage to enemy Heroes in an area and Fear them for 2 seconds. While Feared, Heroes are Silenced and are forced to run away from Horrify's center. RAIN OF DESTRUCTION Channel to summon ...