Star Wars: The Old Republic cover

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic is a free to play MMORPG game, released at 2011.12.20, created by Bioware. You can play Star Wars: The Old Republic on PC (Windows) platform. Check out Star Wars: The Old Republic description & Star Wars: The Old Republic system requirements.

Platform: PC (Windows)
Release Date: 2011-12-20
Developer: Bioware
Publisher: Electronic Arts

Star Wars: The Old Republic description

Star Wars: The Old Republic is a 3D sci-fi MMORPG based on the popular Star Wars universe and brought to you by Bioware. Star Wars: The Old Republic allows players to become one of several different iconic classes including Jedi, Sith, and Troopers, with a variety of species to choose from. Each class follows their own unique custom storyline which contains a number of dynamic questions allowing players to become immersed in their character’s progression and ultimately choose their own destiny. Players choose to join either the Galactic Republic or the Sith Empire. The game is set more than 3,500 years prior to the films and allows players to visit and interact with some classic environments such as the planets Tatooine and Coruscant. While each class may favor a certain playstyle (tank, DPS, or healer) customization options along with companion characters allow the individual player to adapt to a number of situations without relying on the support of other players. Character appearance customization is limited to a few slide bar choices but further options are available through the cash shop with the use of Cartel Coins. Character leveling and progression is done through the standard missions, exploration, and defeating enemies. New skills are learned at each level and are taught by trainers in a number of locations. There are heroic missions that require the cooperation of other players and can typically be repeated on a daily basis. Leveling has been vastly accelerated to encourage players to jump into the game’s more recent expansions. One of the more unique features about Star Wars: The Old Republic is that the dynamic choices players make can permanently open or close parts of the story line and can affect the player’s NPC companions and any relationships you may have with those companions. Crafting in Star Wars: The Old Republic is a much more passive activity than the typical MMORPG, NPC companions carry out the gathering and crafting activates as assigned by the player while the player is participating in active adventures. A player can assign up to 5 companions to perform 3 different skills. Star Wars: The Old Republic has taken some heat for a somewhat restrictive cash shop. In fact, some of the features mentioned above may be hidden behind a “cash wall” The game does still offer a subscription for players who prefer that experience.

Star Wars: The Old Republic System requirements

Below you can check Star Wars: The Old Republic minimum system requirements:

OS: Windows 7 / 8

CPU: Intel Pentium Dual Core G6960 2.93 GHz / AMD Phenom II X3 B75 or better

Memory: 4 GB or better

Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce 465 GTX / ATI Radeon HD 5850 or better

Storage: 15 GB

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