It Lurks Below cover

It Lurks Below

It Lurks Below is an action-packed survival RPG set in a randomly generated world filled with dungeons, tons of loot, and evil monsters. You can play It Lurks Below on steam platform. Download and play It Lurks Below at the best price.

Platform: Steam
Release Date:
Developer: Graybeard Games
Publisher: Graybeard Games

It Lurks Below description

It Lurks Below is an action-packed survival RPG set in a randomly generated world filled with dungeons, tons of loot, and evil monsters. Create your own custom character, select what class they're going to be, and prepare to explore all kinds of strange levels that have been randomly generated. This is a title that puts a lot of emphasis on its RPG elements. Stats play a large role in this game, so players are encouraged to keep on increasing the power level of their character by collecting insane amounts of loot. There are 8 different classes to pick between. There's the Bard (melee, uses power of songs and screaming to defeat his foes), Cleric (melee+ranged, has a lot of healing power), Enchanter (ranged, uses lighting and stuns to incapacitate his enemies), Necromancer (ranged, has undead minions together with poison and cold damage), Paladin (melee, a holy warrior that makes use of devastating two-handed swords and hammers), Rogue (melee, a stealthy class that dual wields daggers), Warrior (melee, possesses both defensive and offensive stances), and the Wizard (ranged, crushes enemies with potent elemental attacks). It Lurks Below also has three distinct game styles. Creative for everyone that wants to experience a more approachable experience, Descent offers a harder challenge without any of the survival aspects of the game, and finally there's Survival, the original game design mode where you have to keep an eye on your hunger meters, fatigue, and make full use of the survival tree if you wish to survive.