Hearthstone Deck Of Cards Pack 1 cover

Hearthstone Deck Of Cards Pack 1

Delve into a unique adventure in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. You can play Hearthstone Deck Of Cards Pack 1 on battlenet platform. Download and play Hearthstone Deck Of Cards Pack 1 at the best price.

Platform: Battlenet
Release Date:
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment

Hearthstone Deck Of Cards Pack 1 description

Delve into a unique adventure in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. The free-to-play online card game takes the lore, characters, creatures and relics from the critically acclaimed World of Warcraft series and thrusts them into a thrilling collectible card game adventure. The turn-based card game takes place between two opponents, both sporting constructed decks of thirty cards. Each player will also possess a hero of their choice harnessing its own unique power. They can then use mana points to summon minions for attack and cast spells, with the overall goal to deplete the opponent's hit points completely. Earn gold, win new cards as a reward, as well as other in-game prizes as you battle your way up the rankings. There are plenty of options for you to explore in terms of how you play, with both casual and ranked match modes, as well as Daily Quests and weekly challenges for you to earn more gold and card rewards. Keep a close eye on expansion packs also, and participate in single-player adventures to maximize your experience, as Hearthstone provides both a video game experience with the feel of a physical card game. So prepare yourself for this exciting twist on the Warcraft franchise with Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft! Sheathe your sword, draw your deck, and get ready for Hearthstone - the fast paced strategy card game that's easy to learn and massively fun. Start a free game on Battle.net and play your cards to sling spells, summon creatures, and command the heroes of Warcraft in duels of epic strategy.With powerful prebuilt decks, and hundreds of additional cards to win, craft or purchase - your collection never stops evolving.Challenge players of all skill levels on Battle.net or hone your skills in practice matches against some of the greatest strategists of Azeroth - Thrall, ...