Gotham City Impostors cover

Gotham City Impostors

Gotham City Impostors is a free to play Shooter game, released at 2012.08.31, created by Monolith Productions, Inc.. You can play Gotham City Impostors on PC (Windows) platform. Check out Gotham City Impostors description & Gotham City Impostors system requirements.

Platform: PC (Windows)
Genre: Shooter
Release Date: 2012-08-31
Developer: Monolith Productions, Inc.
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Gotham City Impostors description

Gotham City Impostors is a free to play multiplayer First Person Shooter (FPS) that pits vigilantes dressed up like Batman against criminals dressed up like the Joker in open warfare on the streets of Gotham City Gotham City Impostors does not have rigid character classes and lets you play the way you want. You’ll be able to choose the guns, gadgets and even the hairdos that fit your personality and play style. It doesn’t matter if you want to be a mighty muscleman on roller skates or a lithe lassie packing a rocket launcher. Gotham City Impostors features a robust leveling up system that lets you unlock all the items required to make your impostor as crazy as you desire. Whether you prefer to develop your impostor by proving your prowess in solo challenges designed to test your skills and reflexes or by battling your way to the top of the scoreboard in several over­-the-­top multiplayer modes. Gotham City has gone insane! Batman is up to his pointy ears in unwanted “helpers” who are determined to dish out their own blood thirsty brand of vigilante justice in his name (and image). Meanwhile, a small army of self appointed junior Jokerz have turned the streets of Gotham into a barmy battlefield of bullets, bodies, and bear traps. As you can probably tell, this might not end well.

Gotham City Impostors System requirements

Below you can check Gotham City Impostors minimum system requirements:




Graphics Card:


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