Beyond Two Souls cover

Beyond Two Souls

LIVE AN EXTRAORDINARY LIFE A unique psychological action thriller delivered by A-list Hollywood performances of Ellen PAGE, Willem DAFOE, Beyond: Two Souls takes you on a thrilling journey across the globe as you play out the remarkable life of Jodie Holmes. You can play Beyond Two Souls on epic_games platform. Download and play Beyond Two Souls at the best price.

Platform: Epic_games
Release Date:
Developer: Quantic Dream
Publisher: Quantic Dream

Beyond Two Souls description

LIVE AN EXTRAORDINARY LIFE A unique psychological action thriller delivered by A-list Hollywood performances of Ellen PAGE, Willem DAFOE, Beyond: Two Souls takes you on a thrilling journey across the globe as you play out the remarkable life of Jodie Holmes. Born with a connection to a mysterious entity with incredible powers, Jodie is different. Your actions will determine Jodie's fate as she faces extraordinary challenges, danger, and heart-wrenching loss on a journey to discover the truth of who she is.