Elden Ring’s open-world element is certainly exciting, but it can be a little overwhelming. After all, you could be strolling along, enjoying a few good fights, using your Jellyfish Mimic to help you out, and dodging like a pro, but all of a sudden you stumble upon someone that brutalizes you in one hit.
In this guide, we will show you some of the best weapons in the early to mid-game of Elden Ring. Though some require you to defeat major bosses, generally you can find many of these weapons in the beginning of your journey if you've got the grit to find them.
If you are a magic user in Elden Ring then you might be wondering how to get more spell slots. Check out this guide to find out how to get more spell slots in Elden Ring. This way you can have more spells to use in combat or to heal yourself up.
While some classes start with a couple spells, magic must be learned in Elden Ring. Check out this guide to find out where to learn magic in Elden Ring. This way you can get some new spells and try them out.
An optional boss you can find in Elden Ring is known as the Crystalian. You can find this boss in several locations, and there are two forms.
FAR: Changing Tides is filled with puzzles for you to complete. Some unlock the path forward, while others will upgrade your ship to help you progress. This guide explains how to complete one of the first puzzles you’ll encounter, the sawmill puzzle.
Another NPC called Millicent, you need to find in Elden Ring to complete some quests. Check out this tutorial to find out where to find Millicent in Elden Ring. This way you can complete the quest and get your reward.
While some classes start with a couple spells, magic must be learned in Elden Ring. Check out this guide to find out where to learn magic in Elden Ring. This way you can get some new spells and try them out.
If you’ve been playing Elden Ring for a bit then you might have some Runes to spend. Check out this guide to find out how to level up in Elden Ring. This way you don’t lose all your Runes in a fight somewhere.