eFootball 2022 – Better Graphics, How to Increase Resolution

2021.10.22 | efootball

How to increase the Resolution and get better graphics in eFootball 2022

eFootball 2022 – Better Graphics, How to Increase Resolution
  1. Find the main exe file that runs the game. For me it is:
  2. Right click the eFootball.exe
  3. Go to compatibility tab (second tab).
  4. Click “Change high DPI settings” button.
  5. In the next window which will open, check the box for “Override high DPI scaling behavior”.
  6. Make sure “Application” is selected in the drop-down menu.
  7. Press “OK” button.
  8. Press “Apply” button.
  9. Start the game and check if in option menu graphics game scale is set to 100%.