Watch_Dogs 2 cover

Watch_Dogs 2

The original Watch Dogs put you in a world full of hackers, and asked you to hack anything and everything in order to get the information you needed. You can play Watch_Dogs 2 on uplay platform. Download and play Watch_Dogs 2 at the best price.

Platform: Uplay
Release Date:
Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft

Watch_Dogs 2 description

The original Watch Dogs put you in a world full of hackers, and asked you to hack anything and everything in order to get the information you needed. But it wasn't exactly what players were promised. But now, with Watch Dogs 2, the freedom and elegance of hacking is back on full display, complete with a new main character and a new place to have fun in. Welcome to San Francisco. In this place of beauty there's a lot to like, but, there's also darkness here. Including several criminal groups who want to put the city under their control, and their control alone. You'll play as Marcus Holloway, a hacker who decides to put up or shut up in regards to taking this group down. You'll team up with Dedsec, a group of hackers with a dark history, but they're necessary in order to take down the criminal intentions of other groups. Much like the original Watch Dogs, you'll have freedom in regards to what you do, and how you do it. Yeah, there are guns you can use here, but the real fun and freedom is in being able to hack anything electronic. Mess with the city, mess with the people who are trying to bring it down, the power is in your hands. Plus, you don't have to play Watch Dogs 2 alone. Friends can drop in and drop out and play with you at any time. Customize your hacker, build them the way you want, then save the city, or don't. It's your choice.