Split/Second cover


Racing has taken on many forms over the years. You can play Split/Second on steam platform. Download and play Split/Second at the best price.

Platform: Steam
Release Date:
Developer: Black Rock Studio
Publisher: Disney Interactive

Split/Second description

Racing has taken on many forms over the years. And through it we've had some of the most insane car chases, car crashes, car races, and more that you can't even fathom without watching. But now, what if the most destructive race out there, was also a reality TV show? Well, wonder no more! As you'll get to experience the over-the-top racing and destruction that is Split/Second.In this insane TV competition, players will race others in the hopes of becoming the seasonal champ of the show. The catch? The whole thing is rigged! As in rigged to explode!!! The race course, the streets, the buildings, and more are rigged to go boom if certain events happen. So now, you're not just racing for 1st, you're racing to stay in the game.Use your car to extreme effectiveness, then trigger some weapons and devices in order to rain fire upon your foes. The whole city is a weapon waiting to be used, do you think you can make it work?The best part, is that Split/Second evolves based on what you do. Every single lap is different because in every lap some kind of destruction will occur. So the more you destroy, the more the track will change, and the more you'll have to adapt to the changes themselves. You must be ready at all times because someone might want to change the game, and you'll have to adjust because of it. So, get into the drivers seat, and watch the whole world around you blow up!