Pokemon X - Nintendo 3DS cover

Pokemon X - Nintendo 3DS

All-new Pokémon and past favorites come to life with detailed graphics and intense 3D battles. You can play Pokemon X - Nintendo 3DS on _3ds platform. Download and play Pokemon X - Nintendo 3DS at the best price.

Platform: _3ds
Release Date:
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo

Pokemon X - Nintendo 3DS description

All-new Pokémon and past favorites come to life with detailed graphics and intense 3D battles. Become a Pokémon Trainer and set out for adventure in a visually stunning new region filled with new Pokémon to catch, trade, and battle. In Pokémon-Amie, you can pet, feed, and play with your Pokémon to form a deeper bond, which may benefit you in future battles. Plus, you can connect and communicate with players around the world at any time to challenge them to a battle, trade Pokémon, and much more. Travel an all-new land with all new Pokemon such as Chespin the Grass Type, Fennekin the Fire type or Froakie the Water type! But you’ll also be greeted by some familiar faces too like Pikachu, Magikarp and Psyduck to capture and train, as you once again set out to become the best Pokemon trainer around. Presented in stunning 3D, your Pokemon battles will look better than ever before as the camera takes on a more dynamic view to capture the new attacks and animations. The cowardly Pokémon Helioptile, a Normal- and Electric-type Pokémon, can generate enough electricity through sunbathing to power machinery. But wise Trainers won't be deterred by Helioptile's lack of bravery. It knows Parabolic Charge, a brand-new move where Helioptile attacks everything around it. Helioptile's HP is restored by half the damage taken by those hit. Fletchling, a Normal- and Flying-type Pokémon, sings with a beautiful chirp that is sure to delight any Trainer. Although it is known to be very friendly, Fletchling will suddenly unleash relentless attacks once it's in battle. For example, when it uses its Fire-type move Flame Charge in battle, in addition to doing damage, Fletchling's Speed increases every time. With a leaf always in its mouth and an intimidating glare that is rarely effective, Fighting-type Pokémon ...