Osiris: New Dawn cover

Osiris: New Dawn

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. You can play Osiris: New Dawn on steam platform. Download and play Osiris: New Dawn at the best price.

Platform: Steam
Release Date:
Developer: Fenix Fire Entertainment
Publisher: Reverb Triple XP

Osiris: New Dawn description

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” – H.P. Lovecraft The year is 2046 and mankind’s discovery of near-lightspeed "fold engine" propulsion has empowered mankind's Osiris expeditionary missions to the Gliese 581 system. You are the second colonization team sent by the U.N.E. (United Nations of Earth) to study potential habitable planets when your spacecraft malfunctions braking from light speed, forcing an emergency landing on the planet’s surface. Overcome the dangers of an environment with unpredictable weather conditions by building a central base, expanding the structure further with modular units to grow food, create research centers, manufacturing bays and more. To further advance technologies and thrive on the planet, traverse into a world filled equally with breathtaking landscapes and alien terrors that will freeze your blood. Osiris is a beautiful game that uniquely combines inventive crafting, curious exploration, and skillful combat. Explore an alien system and colonize worlds of incredible wonders and unforgiving dangers. KEY FEATURES Multiplayer Colonization: Work together with online players to build a prospering colony and together defend against threatening alien species, survive environmental phenomenon including meteor showers, and attacks from other online player colonies. Survive, Craft, Research and Thrive: Gather resources and materials to adapt to the alien system, build modular structures to grow food and create manufacturing bays, research new technologies to upgrade gear and build new vehicles and droids, and explore the environment to discover new resources and secrets to expand and thrive in this brave alien world. Explore The Planet And Beyond: Learn what wonders and horrors lie on the alien planet and explore underground dungeons for unique potential discoveries. In time, build spacecraft to launch into space and travel to other planets in the solar system. Prepare ...