Only you can rescue Big Barry - your huge robot head pal - from a space theme park that’s been invaded by a tentacled pan-dimensional godbeast. You can play Loot Rascals on steam platform. Download and play Loot Rascals at the best price.
Platform: | Steam |
Genre: | |
Release Date: |
Developer: | Hollow Ponds |
Publisher: | Hollow Ponds |
Website: |
Only you can rescue Big Barry - your huge robot head pal - from a space theme park that’s been invaded by a tentacled pan-dimensional godbeast. Explore an alien planet, beat a menagerie of strange baddies and win Loot Cards which give you special abilities. Choosing which to equip requires strategic thinking - the way you lay them out is crucial, and some must be sacrificed because cards are also the precious resources you need to heal and use powerful abilities. Careful though because baddies can loot you! The cards they steal drop into other players’ games. When you defeat an Elite Baddie you’ll get another player’s card: will you return it or keep it for yourself? Either way, prepare for a visit from that player's Holographic Helper to shower you with thanks or terrible vengeance - Loot Rascals is a tale of friendship, loss, and redemption! Every game is different in this procedurally generated roguelike: gather Loot Cards, show the Thing Below who’s boss, and fly Big Barry to victory!