Fortnite - Merry Mint Axe cover

Fortnite - Merry Mint Axe

Fortnite Merry Mint Axe is an extra content package for the Epic Games game, the famous Battle Roayle Fortnite. You can play Fortnite - Merry Mint Axe on epic_games platform. Download and play Fortnite - Merry Mint Axe at the best price.

Platform: Epic_games
Release Date:
Developer: Epic Games
Publisher: Epic Games

Fortnite - Merry Mint Axe description

Fortnite Merry Mint Axe is an extra content package for the Epic Games game, the famous Battle Roayle Fortnite. Remember that before buying this DLC, you need to have the game installed on your computer. When you buy this extra DLC, you will receive the magnificent weapon "Merry Mint Axe" a kind of green beak or axe that will cause admiration and terror as it passes among our enemies. Get the pickaxe and amaze your friends and enemies! The Pickaxe, also known as a harvesting tool, is a tool that players can use to mine and break materials in the world of Fortnite.