Final Fantasy XIV Online is an MMORPG that was developed and published by Square Enix in 2010 for Microsoft Windows. You can play FINAL FANTASY XIV Online on web platform. Download and play FINAL FANTASY XIV Online at the best price.

Platform: Web
Release Date:
Developer: SQUARE ENIX
Publisher: SQUARE ENIX

FINAL FANTASY XIV Online description

Final Fantasy XIV Online is an MMORPG that was developed and published by Square Enix in 2010 for Microsoft Windows. The game is the fourteenth entry in the main Final Fantasy series, while also being the second MMORPG in the series, the first one being Final Fantasy XI. The game is set in the fantasy realm of Eorzea where players get to create their own avatars and explore the land, fight monsters, and complete quests. The players get involved in an invasion of the Garlean Empire. Add in the threat of the Primals, which are the deities of the land's Beastmen tribes, which the Garlean Legatus plans to eliminate by pulling a moon down on Eorzea. Final Fantasy XIV Online offers five playable races, and each of the races features two tribes. Once you choose your avatar, you can customize him/her in all sorts of ways, as you can change your eye and hair color, change the skin color, facial features, and so on. Your chosen tribe and your chosen patron deity affect your stats and elemental attributes. The game features two types of quests: story quests and Levequests, which basically side quests that can get taken through the Adventurers' Guild. Story quests get unlocked as you accumulate more and more experience points. Doing the Levequests increases your favor with three different factions. Unlike, Final Fantasy XI, players can do quite a lot of content on their own in Final Fantasy XIV Online. The game has no auto-attack options, as each action that you do needs a manual input once you've targeted your foe.