Dead by Daylight - Shattered Bloodline cover

Dead by Daylight - Shattered Bloodline

Shattered Bloodline is a brand-new Chapter for Dead by Daylight, which includes a new Map. You can play Dead by Daylight - Shattered Bloodline on steam platform. Download and play Dead by Daylight - Shattered Bloodline at the best price.

Platform: Steam
Release Date:
Developer: Behaviour Digital Inc.
Publisher: Behaviour Digital Inc.

Dead by Daylight - Shattered Bloodline description

Shattered Bloodline is a brand-new Chapter for Dead by Daylight, which includes a new Map. Purchasing the Shattered Bloodline DLC will unlock its new Killer, new Survivor, and an exclusive item for the new survivor.What lies beneath the mundane can be terrifying. Under the layers of quaint family life, violence festers. When this dark rampant force lashes out, lives are broken and families shattered. Wrath was her bloodline. She came home to find unimaginable horrors, which left their mark. Now she walks, haunting and vengeful, between this world and the next. Adam Francis has no legacy, no inheritance. Everything he owns, he had to earn. Disciplined and driven, he knows he can do anything when he puts his mind to it. His hard work paid off when he found a job miles away from home. Now living in Japan, he shares the hard lessons he had to learn on his own. The Spirit She inherited incredible fury from her ancestors. The wrath that flows through her veins is her legacy. The terrible pain she suffered set it off. Swift and lethal, The Spirit exacts her revenge endlessly. The Spirit is a phase-walking Killer able to catch Survivors off-guard with her traversal power, Yamaoka’s Haunting. Killer Power - The Spirit: Yamaoka’s HauntingYamoka is the name she carries from her ancestors, who unleashed hell on the battlefield. The Spirit draws her power from their wrath, haunting the living as retribution for her suffering. The Spirit can use her power, Yamaoka’s Haunting, to enter an ethereal plane and phase-walk to a new location, unseen by human eyes. While Yamaoka’s Haunting is active:-The Spirit may traverse freely to a new location, moving at a faster rate for a short duration. She is still confined to movement within the physical environments and surroundings.-The Spirit leaves ...