Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Modern Japan cover

Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Modern Japan

Content Creator Pack: Modern Japan introduces a unique flair inspired by Japanese architecture with 20 buildings and six props from modder Ryuichi Kaminogi. You can play Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Modern Japan on steam platform. Download and play Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Modern Japan at the best price.

Platform: Steam
Release Date:
Developer: Ryuichi Kaminogi
Publisher: Paradox Interactive

Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Modern Japan description

Content Creator Pack: Modern Japan introduces a unique flair inspired by Japanese architecture with 20 buildings and six props from modder Ryuichi Kaminogi. These are the first Japanese buildings to be added to Cities: Skylines, bringing ornate models ranging from impressive skyscrapers to cozy udon and ramen shops.