Black Mesa cover

Black Mesa

In the beginning, there was Half-Life, and it was SO GOOD. You can play Black Mesa on steam platform. Download and play Black Mesa at the best price.

Platform: Steam
Release Date:
Developer: Crowbar Collective
Publisher: Crowbar Collective

Black Mesa description

In the beginning, there was Half-Life, and it was SO GOOD. Half-Life was a game that changed the world in many ways. It redefined storytelling for modern day shooters, showing that one can be deep, have world building, and yet not take players out of the experience via "silent" cutscenes. Since then, Half-Life has been one of the most important games in video game history. It spawned a franchise, one that fans are still trying to keep alive today. Including remaking the original game in the Source Engine it was born into. This is Black Mesa. Fans talk a lot about how well they can "make video games", but in Black Mesa, they really do prove it. For this title isn't just a recreation of the original Half-Life, it's a title that does everything it can to make the original experience, and then make it better. The graphics, the sound effects, the gameplay, everything is on point, and everything was made by fans. This game has gotten numerous awards, and it's all for good reason. You might be looking at this and thinking, "so what, they remade the game, what's the big deal?" Well, it's a very big deal, for as noted, they took the main game and made it better. But not just via details and sharpened sound. They added new dialogue scenes, gave the game completely new voice acting, made the game more stable, more fun, and added lots of unique things that truly makes Black Mesa their own. Plus, you can play with friends via multiplayer, add your own parts to the game via modding tools, and more! So don't just play Half-Life, experience it anew with Black Mesa. You can get the Steam Key for Black Mesa here! Don't miss out!